Hi all, my name is Lauren and I'm a twenty-something who loves to read (duh)! I read so much and come across so many great books and authors that I thought I'd share it all with you guys! I gave book blogging a go once before but I limited myself to just young adult books. That was silly of me considering a good 40-50% of what I read is actually adult fiction. Besides reading I also play the clarinet, love animals, study biology at university, live in New Orleans, and love to write. I hope you'll enjoy my blog! If you'd like to know anything else please send me an email at lag117 at gmail dot com

Welcome to Haunted Wonderland!

This is a book review blog where you can find all things fantasy, paranormal, science fiction, and anything related. Both adult and young adult! I'm always happy to receive books for review and help promote authors so please see my review policy!

About Me

Review Policy
